Pre Diabetes Symptoms in Women

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 | comments

Pre diabetes symptoms in women can be seen from some changes happens in the women body, both physical and psychological. It is important to know the pre diabetes symptoms in women because it can help someone to detect the diabetes and heal the disease earlier before it is getting worse. 

Physical and Psychological Pre Diabetes Symptoms in Women There are both physical and psychological pre diabetes symptoms in women that you need to aware of. One of the physical pre diabetes symptoms in women is dehydration. A woman who suffers from diabetes will often feel extremely thirsty. It is because the body needs more water to eliminate the excess glucose through urinate. 

The more a diabetic sufferer urinates the more she needs water and feels dehydrate. Not only physical pre diabetes symptoms in women should be noticed, some psychological symptoms are also important to be noticed. One of psychological pre diabetes symptoms is extreme lethargy. A woman with diabetes will easily feel lethargy even when they do not do any tiring thing. If this kind of thing happens to you, you better check yourself to the doctor because it is one of pre diabetes symptoms in women
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