What the Hell!!?? Masturbation Helps Us To Prevent Prostate Cancer

Monday, December 10, 2012 | comments

There are unique facts behind prostate problems commonly suffered by men. To prevent prostate problems, researchers discovered masturbation activities as a means of prevention. Surprising how few studies suggest that masturbation may protect you from prostate cancer. 

But actually, ejaculation is generated, either from masturbation or sexual activity is healthy, it showed a protective effect against prostate cancer, as reported by Aksmen. A theory suggests, may help cleanse the penis ejaculation of carcinogens, which are substances that often interfere with the genital area and can lead to cancer

In other words, masturbation or sexual activity resulting in ejaculation can literally clean lines in a man's penis. To get the benefit of protection against prostate cancer, you can do more than 12 ejaculations per month (ie masturbate or have sex every day with a partner). 

 What's more, each increase of three ejaculations per week was associated with a 15% reduction in the risk of prostate cancer. But still, keeping food intake and exercise, is the best prevention.
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